Gap Inc. Click-to-Fix Web App

Creative Direction • UX • UI • Logo Design • Illustration • Prototyping
Mouse Scroll


When Gap Inc. brought me on contract in 2016 they had a challenge – they wanted to gives stores a tool with smart automation to help them solve issues on their own, create a ticket and close said ticket rather than having to call or chat support. In turn this tool could save the company millions of dollars. I was tasked with spear-heading the UX direction and design of this tool. It was quite an undertaking to say the least.

The troubleshooting flow has a unique cart system to allow users to track their progress and make changes from the cart as they proceed through the questions.
Create a Ticket On-The-Go
One of the biggest requests was for stores to be able to create tickets and solve problems from a mobile device. All stores under the Gap Inc. brand use iPods in-store, so giving them the ability to start troubleshooting from their iPod rather than having to get on a PC in the back office was invaluable.
UX Art Image
Support Version & In-Store Version
While functionality between the support staff version and the in-store version of Click-to-Fix are similar, we decided to alter the store version to give it a more fun, less “IT” look and feel. We also wanted the homepage to target the common issues stores were dealing with and recent tickets to help users quickly get to where they wanted to go.

Lastly, one of the big requests was for both the support staff and the in-store staff to be able to look at a store’s health (or diagnostics). Basically, our teams stellar architect Matt Gagliardo created a way through automation for a user to know exactly what devices in their stores were offline, displaying errors, or working correctly. This proved valuable to speed up the trouble shooting flow.

The End Result

This project is definitely one of the biggest responsibilities I’ve had as a designer in my career to date. Through collaboration with stores, support staff, and product team I was able to deliver a product that not only looked great but empowered Gap brand stores worldwide to fix issues on their own in a quick and efficient manner.